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Healthy Living – French VLOG – Useful GCSE & A2 Listening Practice

healthy living French listening practice VLOGLa Santé French Listening Practice on Healthy Living for GCSE & CEFR A2

Use this exclusive French VLOG on healthy living, lifestyle and health as French listening practice for GCSE, iGCSE & A2 level French.

I am always trying to create useful French teaching materials for my French students. Not only my students, but other MFL teachers. In this commission, Ryan, a native French speaker talks about his healthy and unhealthy habits, as well as those in France in general. He mentions topics such as: food, drink, sport, TV, as well as smoking and alcohol. The VLOG comes with a worksheet to test your listening comprehension skills. It will allow you to enhance and improve your French listening skills in a fun way.

There is also a transcript that you can download to check understanding. You could also pinch useful words and phrases which you can incorporate into your French speaking on the topic. Have you watched my other French VLOGs for GCSE French and CEFR A2 Level for further advanced beginner French listening practice?

La Santé VLOG With Native French Speaker for Listening Practice

You can watch the full ‘HEALTHY LIVING VLOG’ – les bonnes et les mauvaises habitudes on YouTube here:

WORKSHEET to be used alongside: ‘La santé – les bonnes et les mauvaises habitudes’ with listening comprehension activities and vocabulary based tasks.

Download here:

Download Worksheet for Audio Visual Clip

TRANSCRIPT for this exclusive ‘La santé – les bonnes et les mauvaises habitudes’ VLOG for GCSE French, iGCSE French, CEFR A2 and advanced beginner French learners.

Download here:

French listening practice can be undertaken in many ways, especially when learning a language. For example, French learners can listen to podcasts, the radio and audio books. They are all  fantastic ways to tune the ear to listen in French. However, all of these contain general vocabulary and phrases. If you would like to learn French, improve your French listening skills at advanced beginner level. For example at French GCSE, iGCSE or CEFR A2 level on the topic of la sante / healthy living, listen to this healthy living VLOG! Try and undertake some of my listening activities alongside it!




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La Santé French Listening Practice VLOG WORKSHEET
To Accompany YouTube Video


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THANK YOU! Every penny helps me share more language teaching materials to save you time!  - Sabina

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DOWNLOAD La Santé French Listening Practice VLOG WORKSHEET here >> La Santé Healthy Living French Listening VLOG WORKSHEET (968 downloads )

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La Santé French Listening Practice VLOG Transcript
To Go With YouTube VLOG clip


It takes me 5 hours on average to make and upload my resources. If I charged for them, this would cost a lot!

If you download my worksheets and find them useful, please leave a donation.

THANK YOU! Every penny helps me share more language teaching materials to save you time!  - Sabina

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Donation Total: £2.00

DOWNLOAD La Santé French Listening Practice VLOG Transcript here >> La Santé French Listening Practice VLOG Transcript (853 downloads )

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