Home » German » Karneval in Deutschland – Really Useful German Listening Practice on Feste

Karneval in Deutschland – Really Useful German Listening Practice on Feste

Karneval German Listening Comprehension PracticeKarneval – German Listening Comprehension Practice

Useful Listening Practice for German CEFR A2/B1, GCSE German, iGCSE & A-Level German Students

Hallo! I’m Sabina, a qualified German teacher, and I’m excited to present to you this German listening practice focusing on the topic of ‘Karneval in Deutschland’ with a native German speaker for GCSE German, iGCSE German, A-Level German, CEFR A2 and B1, as well as equivalent levels.

What is this Karneval Listening Practice and who is it for?

In this dedicated German listening practice, you’ll hear from a native German speaker, Rucan, who comes from Cologne in Germany. It’s a YouTube Video Clip, but can be minimised for the most authentic German listening practice. In this German Listening Practice, Rucan delves into the traditions and celebrations of Karneval in Germany. She answers specific questions related to theme as she does. This listening practice comes with the audio-visual clip, a worksheet with vocabulary and comprehension questions, as well as a transcript. It has been designed for GCSE German, iGCSE German, A-Level German, as well as intermediate, CEFR A2 & CEFR B1 learners.

How to use this German Listening Practice on Karneval:

To maximise the benefit of the German listening content, I encourage you not to just passively listen. Instead, try out one of the two activities below whilst you are listening to the clip:

  1. Worksheet Download: You can download the worksheet I’ve prepared (see below). This worksheet includes a number of vocabulary based activities, as well as a transcript for reference later on.
  2. Pick One Listening Activity: Watch this listening practice activities video and pick one from seven activities to undertake whilst listening to the clip to practise your listening skills in German.

Key Listening Comprehension Questions in The German Karneval Clip

There are a few questions posed in the video clip to answer

1. Was ist Fasching? Wann und wo wird er gefeiert?
2. Warum und wie wird Karneval noch gefeiert?
3. Wie findet Rucan Karneval? Warum?
4. Was sind die Vor/Nachteile des Karnevals?
5. Wie unterscheiden sich die Feierlichkeiten zwischen Deutschland und anderen Ländern?
6. Wird man auch in der Zukunft Karneval feiern? Warum?

Why You Should Use This German Listening Comprehension ‘Karneval’ Resource?

This listening practice offers an immersive experience into German culture and language. By engaging with the content, you’ll not only enhance your German listening skills but also deepen your understanding of German traditions and customs. Whether you’re a German learner preparing for exams like GCSE, iGCSE, A-Levels, improving your German at CEFR A2, B1, intermediate level, or simply interested in German culture, this resource provides valuable insight and practice.


Minimise the video clip for most authentic listening practice and use closed caption subtitles if you need them, after you’ve tried your best without.


carnival in germany listening practice activity exercise

Download Worksheet for Audio Visual Clip

karneval german listening comprehension practiceTRANSCRIPT TO ACCOMPANY KARNEVAL GERMAN LISTENING PRACTICE:

To conclude, Karneval in Deutschland is more than just a festival; it’s a vibrant tradition that captures the essence of German culture in all its colourful glory. I hope this listening practice has brought you closer to understanding Karneval, and perhaps it has sparked your interest in experiencing it firsthand in Germany.

Have you seen my other German listening practice yet? Go and check it out!



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Karneval German Listening Practice VLOG WORKSHEET
To Accompany YouTube Video


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DOWNLOAD Karneval German Listening Practice VLOG WORKSHEET here >> Karneval German Listening Practice Worksheet YouTube

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Karneval German Listening Practice VLOG Transcript
To Accompany YouTube Video


It takes me 5 hours on average to make and upload my resources. If I charged for them, this would cost a lot!

If you download my worksheets and find them useful, please leave a donation.

THANK YOU! Every penny helps me share more language teaching materials to save you time!  - Sabina

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Donation Total: £2.00

DOWNLOAD Karneval German Listening Practice VLOG TRANSCRIPT here >> Karneval German Listening Practice Transcript YouTube

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