Household Chores / Les Tâches Ménagères Video for Listening Practice
Need some GCSE French listening practice for KS3 or KS4 students? If so, check out this authentic and original video for French learners. It includes a native French speaker talking for approximately three minutes about household chores (les tâches ménagères) in French.

How can you use this video to practise French listening skills?
You can use this video in the French classroom as part of a lesson, for homework or as revision for GCSE. It allows KS3 and GCSE French students to practise their French listening skills on the topic of household tasks and chores.
What does this les tâches ménagères video for French listening practice include?
The video on les tâches ménagères includes the title, an introduction from myself and a native speaker. Rafael discusses the topic at a CEFR A2 and lower B1 level, making it a suitable listening activity for KS3 and GCSE French students in the UK. It may also be useful for some iGCSE French syllabi.
Rafael, a native French speaker living in New York talks about les tâches domestiques et les tâches ménagères.
The video for listening practice includes:
– The title written at the beginning of the video in French
– Sabina introducing the video for 1 minute. This contains an overview of what Rafael (the native French speaker) will talk about, as well as activities that French students can do whilst watching the video to practise their listening skills.
– Rafael introducing himself and talking about the types of household tasks he must do in his apartment in New York, the types of household chores he had to do when he was younger, as well as housework that he must do in the near future. Rafael also poses a question at the end of the video to allow students to use vocabulary and structures they have come across in the video.
Activities and Tasks – Get The Most Out of the Listening Content on Household Chores
Although the video on household tasks and chores has been created for KS3 and GCSE French students as listening practice, you can’t just play the video and expect students to develop comprehension or listening skills!
To get the most out of it, you will need to supplement the video with activities and your general teaching material on the topic. Students will need some topic-related input before watching the video to recognise the verbs, tenses and vocabulary.
To help and keep things as low prep as possible, please find a few activities that you could use alongside the video (with the transcription) to get the best out of this authentic French listening practice resource.
- Who Dares Wins – draw a table with four questions on it, i.e.
a. comment il s’appelle?
b. écris 5 tâches ménagères ou domestiques qu’il mentionne
c. c’est quoi la première tâche qu’il fait chaque jour?
c. qu’est ce-qu’il fait chez lui pendant la semaine?
Students must listen for the information in the video and when asked one of the questions, after listening twice, if they get the answer correct, they get their name written in the square. Do the same with the other three questions. Then, ask follow up questions or additional questions (such as comment dit-on ‘to clean’ en français?) taken from the video to allow extra chances for students to answer questions related to the video content. These students can knock a name out of one of the four squares and replace their name in the box. Offer a little prize to the four students’ whose names are left in the box at the end of the activity.