Check out my jobs and les métiers lesson below with some french listening practice for GCSE French, FSL and FLE lessons.
We did vocabulary and phrase recall, questions, as well as some french listening practice through an audio file read by a native speaker. If you’re interested in how I structured the jobs and ambitions lesson, or would like a copy of the listening resources I used for the GCSE French lesson, read on!
How Did I Structure The Jobs Topic Listening Revision Lesson?
We started the French listening practice lesson by mind mapping all job related words, phrases and questions that we could think of and adding them under ‘verbs’ (bosser, atteindre, embaucher, travailler, recruter etc), ‘nouns’ (l’apprentisage, le bac, la fac, un métier, un petit boulot, un stage etc), ‘adjectives’ (impoli, poli, dur etc), phrases (je voudrais travailler en équipe / je ne neux pas voyager beaucoup etc) and questions ‘(As-tu un petit boulot? / ‘Quels métiers aimerais tu faire au futur?’)
The French GCSE students did this on mini whiteboards in pairs, added to their answers in fours and then we discussed these and added misconceptions and phrases with tricky spellings on the board to pool ideas.
Upon reflection, professions were quite popular (coiffeur/fermier/facteur/boulanger/agent de police) and students did well to remember the masculine and feminine forms. So, consider setting a challenge to think of X number of professions for an extra challenge.
Thereafter, I introduced the French listening practice activity by sharing the title: emplois, choix de carrière et ambitions. I asked them to make a note, in French, of the types of information they might hear as a pre-listening activity. They discussed in pairs.
I then showed the students the questions and they worked individually and in pairs to translate the questions. ‘Diriger’ caused a problem in question 2, but they managed to figure it out by considering the context of the question. Before playing the audio, I did add a few words to the board, which I knew they would struggle with, especially the town and a couple of the countries that would be mentioned in the audio.
I played the audio twice and they compared answers. We went through the answers and I played the audio again for students to spot any information they missed the first time, and some students did the second ‘extension’ activity, which I find is excellent for focused listening practice. Finally, I presented them with the transcript to check for anything they had not quite understood (and made notes). For the rest of the lesson, they chose the activities from the ‘jobs’ worksheet and worked individually and in pairs.
Interested in using the resources for this jobs and the future listening lesson for GCSE French or intermediate French? Download the resources below:
Their homework was to produce a recording answering the questions at the bottom of the worksheet and they have been advised NOT to use their notes, but their memory and own ideas spontaneously. I know this is a bit dry, so if you have any other suggestions, please share them with me in the comments below!
If you are a teacher and looking for more ways to develop listening in the language classroom, then consider having a look at this book of listening ideas and theory.