GCSE French Listening Practice on ‘Ma Ville et Ma Région for A2/B1 and iGCSE
If you want to practise your French listening skills on the topic of ‘ma région et ma ville’ with a free worksheet with activities and transcript this is the post for you!
Below, you will find, not only a link to our ‘ma ville et ma région’ audio-visual clip for listening practice in French, but also a useful worksheet with a number of activities to develop vocabulary and listening comprehension skills. Combined, these can be used to develop your French comprehension skills and listening skills. Use the transcript too to help to check your understanding further.
GCSE/iGCSE Audio-Visual French Listening Clip on ‘ma ville et ma région’ for A2/B1
The French listening clip includes an introduction from me (Sabina) and an interview type set up of questions with Enrika, a native French speaker from Paris.
It is perfect for CEFR A2/B1 level, as well as iGCSE and GCSE French students looking for French listening practice to help accelerate and improve their listening skills.
If you are a French teacher, assign audio clip to your class when learning about where I live and my local area as useful French listening practice. It is great for homework, but can also be used with advanced beginner and intermediate French learners during a French lesson.
What does this French listening practice clip include?
The content of the video on ma region includes references to present, past and future time frames, as well as information about where native French speaker, Enrika, lives.
INTRODUCTION: In this video, there is a short introduction from Sabina (me). I am an experienced and qualified secondary French teacher and tutor with excellent results. I give a brief summary of the video content and suggest some useful activities which French students can do whilst listening to/watching the audio clip.
MAIN CLIP: Includes Enrika answering eight questions on the topic of ma région et ma ville:
1. Où habites-tu?
2. Qu’est-ce qu’il y a dans ta région?
3. Qu’est-ce qu’on peut faire plus précisément dans ta région?
4. Comment est le climat?
5. Quels sont les avantages et les inconvénients de ta région?
6. Qu’est-ce que tu as fait récemment dans ta ville?
7. Qu’est-ce que tu aimerais changer dans ta ville et pourquoi?
8. Quels sont les avantages d’habiter en ville ou à la campagne?
This video provides a useful opportunity to learn more about the topic of my area through listening practice for CEFR A2/B1 students and French GCSE/iGCSE students. In addition, it enables advanced beginners, pre-intermediate French students to discover new verbs, nouns and adjectives too. Check it out here:
Additional Listening Practice Material for This Audio-Visual Clip
To support your listening skills, why not listen to the audio/ watch the clip whilst trying the accompanying activities below? I have created the listening practice for GCSE French students, advanced beginner/pre-intermediate French learners, as well as CEFR A2/B1 level French students. However, all French learners are welcome to use this original listening practice material on the topic of my area.
Ma Ville and Ma Région – Listening Practice Worksheets
If you’ve found the video or the activities useful, please do consider buying me a coffee. I don’t have expensive taste so enough for an espresso or an Americano would be so appreciated.
Download your FREE copy of the PDF Worksheet To Accompany ma ville et ma région in French Listening Practice Video above by clicking the yellow image below:
Download your FREE copy of the PDF Transcript in French Listening Practice ma ville et ma région by clicking the pink image below:
Click here for more FREE French listening practice for GCSE. It is packed with vocabulary activities and listening practise on various GCSE / iGCSE topics for French learners at CEFR A2 level.
Why not check out The Ideal Teacher Language School’s YouTube Channel (and subscribe, of course!) for more French listening practice for beginner and intermediate students?