Practice Your German Listening Skills on Housework / Hausarbeit Aufräumen und Putzen Listening Practice Video – Created for GCSE German and CEFR A2 German Learners with Free Original Worksheet and Transcript Our German Listening Practice video is perfect for GCSE…
German GCSE and Intermediate German Revision Practice If you want to practice your intermediate German language skills and revise topics covered at German GCSE level or German CEFR A2/B1 level, then try out the activities below. Theses GCSE German revision…
Motivate GCSE German Students with Modern and Traditional German Songs In Your Classroom Today Get some brilliant German songs and suggestions by GCSE topics below! A bit of background into why I created the list of 45 German songs for…
According to a 2015 article in the Independent Newspaper “Homework […] is an important component of education for students in the middle and upper grades of schooling.” Homework – Do Your Students Do It? Looking at the results of a…