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Le système éducatif français – Listening Lesson with Transcript and Activities

systeme educatif francais

Le système éducatif français – Listening Lesson on ‘le système scolaire français’

Unless you pay extortionate prices for websites which offer audio files, or use websites which don’t always offer 100% relevant listening content, it’s difficult to find good quality audios for students to practise listening for GCSE French.

For this reason, I am working on putting together a collection of audio files and lessons to fit the GCSE curriculum, which all French teachers can use and have access to. If you are interested in keeping up-to-date and knowing when I’ve added new content, don’t forget to sign up to my emails. You can add your details on the ‘SIGN UP’ page in the tabs above. Anyway, I digress…!

What does the GCSE French listening lesson include?

Today’s lesson is on the topic of ‘le système éducatif français’, or the French schooling system. The whole lesson, which can last anywhere between 60 and 75 minutes, contains an MP3 audio file, read by a native French speaker, as well as the transcript and six activities to exploit the audio.

I put this listening lesson together for a private student as revision for the topic of ‘school’ and the French school system. It contains the basic elements, such as types of school in France, ages school is attended, as well as examinations, subjects studied and details on ‘school uniform’.

You will find an excellent range of higher level vocabulary, which can be supported as necessary for foundation students.

Le système éducatif français audio file:
MP3 audio file format, lasts 1 minute 49 seconds and is read clearly at a medium speed by a native female speaker

If you do download and find it useful, please consider leaving a small donation. I make all the resources myself and whilst I love to share, it is very time consuming!

Le système éducatif français transcript and activities
a 2-page word document which includes a word for word transcript and six activities to exploit the audio, as well as practise spontaneous speaking/writing thereafter.

It could be used as a revision lesson for GCSE French on the topic of school, but also as an introduction into the French schooling system.

If you are a language teacher and looking for more ways to develop listening skills in the language classroom, then consider having a look at this book of listening ideas and theory.


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Fancy buying me a cup of coffee? 

thank you coffeeIf you download the resource below and find it useful, please consider leaving a small donation (through PayPal).

This helps me to maintain the website and continue uploading my resources to share with you. Every penny helps.

Thank-you so much in advance for your generosity!
- Sabina (aka 'The Ideal Teacher')

CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD >  Le système éducatif français MP3 audio file (4270 downloads )

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Donation Total: £0.50

Fancy buying me a cup of coffee? 

thank you coffeeIf you download the resource below and find it useful, please consider leaving a small donation (through PayPal).

This helps me to maintain the website and continue uploading my resources to share with you. Every penny helps.

Thank-you so much in advance for your generosity!
- Sabina (aka 'The Ideal Teacher')

CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD >  Le système éducatif français transcript and activities (4177 downloads )