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Umweltschutz in Deutschland Listening Tasks and Transcript


A Lesson for German Learners on “die Umwelt”

I’ve put together another listening activity for German students studying the topic of ‘die Umwelt’, or the environment, entitled: ‘Umweltschutz’.

I feel that this listening based lesson is perfect for GCSE German learners, German A Level students, as well as CEF B1 or B2 learners.

The environment listening lesson includes the following, which could take anywhere between 60 minutes and 120 minutes to complete, depending on which activities you choose to do:

What is included in the “Umwelt” listening lesson?

  • MP3 audio file read by a native male German speaker which lasts just over 2 minutes and 40 seconds

If you do download and find it useful, please consider leaving a small donation. I make all the resources myself and whilst I love to share, it is very time consuming!

  • A 2-page A4 word document, containing the transcript for the audio file, as well as seven activities to help exploit the listening activity.


    Umweltschutz in Deutschland-1
    Umweltschutz in Deutschland-2

    I used this ‘Umweltschutz’ lesson as an introduction into the topic of environment. Before I started, I did a ‘find the odd-one out’ style activity to revise and introduce some topic related vocabulary. My students are very motivated in German and so the level was fine for them. However, if you have students who struggle with German at GCSE level, then I would recommend creating a vocab list first.

    Umweltschutz – Listening Lesson Plan Ideas

  1. 15 minutes – I started off by showing the students the questions in A, which they translated into English in pairs. The extension activity was to predict the answers they might hear, which we shared (along with the translated questions) before listening to the audio for the first time.
  2. 3-5 minutes – I then played the audio the whole way through once and students made notes of what they understood as they went along.
  3. 8 minutes – I asked students to try and answer some of the questions in A before listening for the second time. If students had already found answers for most questions, I advised they should listen again to double check their answers. Plus, they could do extension activity B, and write down all the words they heard beginning with ‘E’. Obviously, you can change the letter if you’d like.
  4. 5-10 minutes – The learners went through the answers in pairs and fours before we discussed as a whole group. I then presented them with the transcript and they checked to see what they had missed. During this activity, I got the students do activity C, too.
  5.  15 minutes – We discussed the corrections and misconceptions as a whole group and the students worked in pairs on mini-whiteboards to create a 20-30 word summary for activity.

    60 Minute Lessons or Longer

    We didn’t complete activities E, F or G, due to time constraints, but if you have a longer lesson, then I am sure these would also be useful exercise.

    So, if you are looking for a starting point to teach the topic of Umwelt to your German learners, or just want to do some listening practice with some useful activities, then try out my environment based listening lesson! Feel free to download the audio file and the worksheets above.

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If you are a language teacher and looking for more ways to develop listening in the language classroom, then consider having a look at this book of listening ideas and theory.


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This helps me to maintain the website and continue uploading my resources to share with you. Every penny helps.

Thank-you so much in advance for your generosity!
- Sabina (aka 'The Ideal Teacher')

CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD >  Umweltschutz Listening Audio File B1 (2389 downloads )

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Donation Total: £0.50

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thank you coffeeIf you download the resource below and find it useful, please consider leaving a small donation (through PayPal).

This helps me to maintain the website and continue uploading my resources to share with you. Every penny helps.

Thank-you so much in advance for your generosity!
- Sabina (aka 'The Ideal Teacher')

CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD >  Umweltschutz Listening Transcript and Activities (2192 downloads )